To encourage scientific thinking and intelectual exchange, ESPM supports 5 Academic Journals. ESPM’s Journals publish papers on International Management, Marketing, Communication and Consumer Practices.
Our journals welcome articles, essays, and case studies from professors, researchers, and graduate students. Theoretical and applied research are welcomed.
CMC Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo
We invite everyone to submit articles to the journal Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo – Communication, Media and Consumption, edited by the Communication Graduate Program and Consumption Practices of ESPM.
Its editorial line focuses on relevant topics in the field of Communication, understood here as a complex socio-cultural process and practice. The journal is ranked as Qualis A2 and indexed in Scopus. The articles must be well-founded and mobilize different authors of a given theoretical trend so that they develop a critical reflection about the approached thematic topics.
In the case of empirical articles, besides the contextualization and the descriptive stage of the material, we privilege articles which present a theoretic-interpretative of the aspects that are observed in the corpus.
The journal only accepts texts by authors with a PhD title or texts in coauthorship with PhDs.
Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo – Communication, Media and Consumption – works in a regime of continuous flow. Therefore, there is no deadline for the submission of articles (in the section of separate texts) and of critical reviews.
Check the Journal Index List and Factor: SCOPUS l REVCOM l UNIVERCIENCIA l Sumários.org l LIVRE l Latindex l EBSCO l CENGAGE Learning l DOAJ l IBICT/SEER l Portal de Periódicos da CAPES l Diadorim
InternexT is the only Brazilian Academic Journal, and one of the few in Latin America, focused on International Management. Published by ESPM’s Graduate Program in Administration, it receives more than 20 thousand accesses and 6 thousand downloads every month. If you are interested in international direct investments, exports, internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, international innovation and international business in general, especially from the point of view of emerging countries, if you want research results validated by top reviewers, include InternexT among the journals you consult. As an author, if you want to receive constructive and sound feedback, to figure along the most prestigious researchers in the region, consider InternexT as a potential outlet for your work. Published three times a year, it accepts articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Check the Journal Index List and Factor: EBSCO l CENGAGE Learning l Latindex l Spell l Sumários.org l Livre! l Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas | Portal de Periódicos da CAPES l Diadorim | DOAJ (Directory of oppen access journals) | Redalyc
This Journal is sponsored by ESPM Graduate Professional Master Program in Consumer Behavior, whose mission is to promote and disseminate the production of knowledge about Marketing and Business and promote the
integration of scientific communities in these fields, as well as the dialogue between scholars and practitioners. The Journal focuses on publishing applied articles, technological reports and business cases that contribute to the advancement of applied research. It receives texts in Portuguese, English and Spanish, evaluated by pairs by the blind review system.
Check the Journal Index List and Factor: Open Journals Systems l Public Knowledge Project
Diálogo com a Economia Criativa (Dialogue with Creative Economy) is a four-monthly digital journal, published by the Executive M.Sc. Program in Creative Economy at ESPM, with the proposal of bringing an interdisciplinary perspective on the field of Creative Economy.
For this purpose, it publishes scientific articles, reviews, interviews, technical articles and records of academic debates related to Applied Social Sciences and Human Sciences that contribute to the development of theoretical and methodological knowledge in these fields. Works produced by national and foreign authors are accepted for publication.
They must deal with themes related to Creative Economy and result from theoretical studies, researches, reflections on business practices and debates. The articles submitted to the journal must not have been published in other journals.
Papers submitted or published in annals of scientific events are accepted. In this case, the author(s) must inform the event and the year at the time of submission. Diálogo com a Economia Criativa receives original work on a continuous flow basis.
Check the Journal Index List and Factor: Sumários.org l LatinREV l REDIB l DOAJ l Portal de Periódicos da CAPES l Diadorim l EBSCO
SÉCULO XXI – The 21st Century
The 21st Century – Journal of International Relations is a scientific publication developed by the International Relations Research and Study Center (NEPRI), of the International Relations course of the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM-Porto Alegre), which is available online. The Journal aims to publish scientific articles by researchers and professionals in
International Relations, providing an editorial space for reflection and knowledge production.
Século XXI Journal of International Relations is a biannual publication of national and international character, which since its first edition in December 2010, brings together a diverse and qualified group of authors, whose intellectual production is available in
Portuguese, Spanish or English texts. For this, the Magazine has an Editorial Board formed mainly by academics of recognized scientific production in Brazil and abroad. The main public of the Journal are professors, researchers, undergraduate and
postgraduate students of International Relations and related areas such as History, Economics, Law, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology and opinion formers in general. In this way, the 21st Century is an important space for catalysts of research and knowledge in the area of International Relations.
Check the Journal Index List and Factor: Open Journals Systems l Public Knowledge Project